Provide online gateway to deposit fees Fee-receipt generation SMS alerts regarding payments Manage dues and refunds of fees student wise
Maintain report of school driver Manage bus route Maintain vehicle info Student pick and drop report on parent phone by SMS alerts
Manage multiple libraries Maintain Books issue and return data Manage fines or dues related to late submission of books Manage number of books in library serial wise
Login for student and parents Check school related notice Check Holidays in school calendar Check Library transactions Check fees details
Daily/weekly and months attendance report Automatic calculation of leaves Send Absent student report via SMS
Exam wise report generation Progressive analysis report SMS alerts regarding scoring to parents
Schedule exams Pervious year paper available Sample papers Notify parents and students regarding exams Publish results
Multiple hostel reports Provide room’s details and charges Room allocation information Provide Mess information and charges
Teachers submit homework online Students get detail of homework Parents get daily homework information
Upcoming events/activities Student admission information Left out student report School calendar